Greenland palaeotemperatures derived from GRIP bore hole temperature and ice core isotope profiles
Tellus, 47B, p. 624-629, 1995
S.J. Johnsen, D. Dahl-Jensen, W. Dansgaard and N.S. Gundestrup
Geofysisk Afdeling, Niels Bohr Instituttet for Astronomi, Fysik og Geofysik, Københavns Universitet
Modeling the temperature profile along the GRIP deep bore at the Summit of the Greenland ice sheet leads to conversion factors that allow interpretation of the dated stable isotope profile as a climatic temperature record spanning the last 113,000 years. When corrected for surface elevation changes, the late glacial to Boreal temperature shift appears to ahve been 22øC in central Greenland. The warming at the end of the last glaciation probably began earlier in Greenland, than in Antarctica.