1250 years of global volcanism as revealed by central Greenland ice cores 

In Delmas, R.J., ed. Ice core studies of global biogeochemical cycles, Springer, p. 175-194, 1995 

H.B. Clausen, C.U. Hammer, J. Christensen, C. Schøtt Hvidberg, D. Dahl-Jensen and J.P. Steffensen
Geofysisk Afdeling, Niels Bohr Instituttet for Astronomi, Fysik og Geofysik, Københavns Universitet
M. Legrand

ECM profiles over the upper 297 m of the EUROCORE and GRIP ice cores, drilled at the Summit location in Central Greenland are presented. Special emphasis is given to the calibration of the ECM in terms of acidity and the chemical composition of the acids in the ice. The records reveal several acid signals caused by past volcanic eruptions over the period 740-1989 AD. The use of the ECM profiles as an indicator of volcanic acid deposition is discussed and the Summit record is compared to the record from Crete, 150 km south of the Summit region. Finally the ECM profile is discussed as an indicator of past upper atmospheric volcanic H2S04 load which is believed to be a key parameter for modelling the impact of past volcanism on past climate.